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Climate change and environment

Work in a sustainable and efficient environment in line with carbon commitments to support delivery of health and care in the future.

Climate Change And Environment Tree Icon

Sustainable buildings and land

We are committed to creating healthy, inclusive, resilient and nature-rich healthcare environments that nurture good health and well-being for patients, staff and the wider community and minimise our impact on the environment.

Sustainable travel

We will work to make it easier to walk, wheel, cycle and take public transport to NHS services. We will also look to reduce the need to travel, where appropriate, and support the shift to active travel.

Sustainable goods and services

We will work to create circularity in our supply chains and reduce waste by maximising repair and reuse, and improve how we deal with equipment, material and goods at the end of their useful life.

Sustainable care, reducing harm and waste

We will work to reduce harm and waste, creating sustainable care pathways, reduce pharmaceutical waste, use green theatre space, and support primary care.

Sustainable communities

We will work to establish and embed green health partnerships and similar approaches to increasing the use of nature-based solutions to deliver health outcomes.

Last updated: 22 June 2023